Product Documentation


About FusionInvoice - 2024

Release Notes

FI Logo Blue Version 2024-2.00


This release includes a number of features added relating to payment terms, payment receipts, expenses and tax reporting. Bug fixes were focused on tax calculations, expenses and subscription dates.

New Features
  • Added a Grand Total of tax at the bottom of the Item Sales report.
  • Added an option to Exclude Invoices with No Tax to the Tax Detail and Tax Summary reports.
  • Many improvements to Payment Receipts, both email and the PDF.
    • Both are now more descriptive in accordance with their appropriate payment terms.
    • The payment ID and initials of the user who processed the payment are shown on the receipts.
    • The remaining balance of the invoice is now shown on the receipt.
  • Added a filter for Payment Type to the Payments Collected report.
  • Added the Payment ID, Payment Method and Processed By user to the Payments Detail view.
  • Several improvements to the Tax Report, Detail version
    • Added the ability to group by Item or Invoice
    • Added the ability to filter out invoices that had no taxes.
  • A new area was added to the Payment Terms records that distinguishes the description template for Invoices vs. Quotes. They are now 2 separate fields, as the description of a payment term for a quote must be slightly different from that of an invoice.
  • Added an info-text tooltip that better explains the setting for light and dark mode, in the fact that it is set for the individual user, not system wide.
  • Added a Payment Terms field to the Client record, so that you may default the term on a client by client basis. This will override the system setting and company profile setting, when set at the client level.
  • Added the ability to define the down payment amount as a straight currency or percentage of the total, to the "Down Payment" payment terms.
  • Added the installment number to the dynamic text and payment terms template descriptions.
  • Added the ability to filter by Client and Date Range on the Expenses list.

Bugs Fixed
  • The Item Sales report could include cancelled invoices. Fixed.
  • A floating point / rounding issue could cause the summed values of taxes on the Tax Detail report to be different from Item Sales report tax totals, which could cause the two values to be a few cents off. Fixed.
  • The getFormattedPaidAt() method within the paymentInvoices model referenced the created_at date instead of the paid_at field. Fixed.
  • Subscriptions next_date field could be incorrectly incremented when the date ended on the last day of a month that had a greater number of days than the following month, in which case it could change from the end of month to the first of the month for the next incremented next_date. Fixed.
  • Subscriptions service_start and service_end dates could also be incorrectly incremented in the same fashion as the next_date field. Fixed.
  • Generating live invoices from the daily CRON job could fail if the system user name had been renamed. Fixed.
  • Fixed an error related to expense importing where, if a client had been supplied on the import record, it would not be imported.
  • The timeline entry for an Invoice Opened event showed the invoice as $0.00. Fixed.
  • The language tokens used for payment terms were being translated in some non-English language files. Fixed.
  • On the payment view, the payment amount shown was in a normal decimal format instead of a currency format. Fixed.
  • Filtering the Expense list to Not Billed was not working properly. Fixed.
  • Using the Copy feature for Expenses, to create a new expense from an existing one, would not copy the Client value. Fixed.
FI Logo Grey Version 2024-1.00


This is a major (huge) release, both in terms of new features and bug fixes.

Before You Upgrade

There are a number of core changes that will affect your existing installation. We want to make sure that you’re aware of them.

  • The email template system has been significantly upgraded. Make text copies of your existing email templates before you begin, as you may want to implement them back into the new templates after the upgrade is complete.
  • DB Prefixes are no longer supported
After Your Upgrade
  • The new Functional Payment Terms have made considerable changes to the default invoice template. If you have a custom invoice template, please review the changes to the default template vs. your existing template so that you can implement them into your custom template.
  • This upgrade deprecates the invoices system setting for Default Due Days and puts this value into a new Payment Terms records called “Net Terms (System Default)”. You will probably want to change the name of this payment term as it will display on your invoices.
  • The default email template for Payment Receipts has changed significantly. If you have customized it, be sure to make sure it works properly after the upgrade.
  • To avoid confusion upgrading systems that have add-ons installed, all add-ons are disabled during the core upgrade process. Make sure to install the add-on packages after you’ve upgraded the core FusionInvoice and re-enable the add-ons from the Customizations -> Add-ons menu item.

New Features
  • Introduced Functional Payment Terms
    • Grant customers a discount if they pay within a certain number of days (prompt pay discounts)
    • Grant customers a discount if they pay by the Nth of the month
    • Accept a down payment on an invoice
    • Accept multiple installment payments for an invoice
    • The discount terms are clearly displayed and explained on the invoice and when a client initiates a payment from a public invoice link, they are notified if they have a payment terms discount that will be applied.
  • Subscriptions
    • Recurring Invoices have been renamed to Subscriptions
    • Additional functionality was added that helps define the nature of the subscription as well as the dates of service for which the subscription is valid.
  • Added revision tracking of all changes made to an invoice or quote. A Revisions dropdown is available after one or more changes have been made to the invoice or qoute, allowing you to view the original version or subsequent revisions.
  • Two Factor Authentication was added. This can be enabled or disabled on a user-by-user basis and will send a timed response email to the user, immediately after a login attempt, and based on the code entry, the user will or will not be authenticated.
  • Both document templates and email templates may now be set, specific to company profiles.
  • Client records may now be linked to a specific company profile.
  • FI will now warn you when you attempt to navigate away from a page that has changed data. This is implemented for Clients, Invoices, Quotes, Subscriptions and Expenses.
  • Client Merge feature
    • You can now merge two client accounts into on account
    • Select each field’s merge direction
    • All transaction history is also moved into the merge-to client
  • Titlebar Shortcuts were added to the individual user’s Profile Settings view, which allows users to add common URLs that they access from within their FusionInvoice header area. In addition, you can select from an icon library to assign an icon as a visual identifier of each shortcut. This can be accessed by clicking the user initials avator in the upper left corner, near the header area.
  • All email templates now allow for a default template and up to 3 custom templates.
  • A revamp of tax handling within the Expenses module and reporting
    • This better handles VAT/GST taxes with respect to tax liabilty and deductibility.
    • It now offers the expense type of a Remittance to Tax Authority to record paying of taxes.
    • Tooltips were added for all scenarios to better explain their use.
    • Individual tax columns have been added to the tax reports.
  • Renamed the Tax Summary report to “Tax Report” and added a new Detail option to compliment the new tax features within Expenses.
  • Added the ability to discount an invoice by a dollar (currency) amount value. Previously the invoice discount could only be done, on the entire invoice, by a percentage.
  • Expanded the current text search capacity within invoices, quotes and subscriptions
    • Text searches now automatically include line item information.
    • Amount values are now also included in searches; both totals and line item amounts.
    • By entering a partial number, ie. 109 would return matching items of 109.00 and 109.95.
    • Also by entering the currency symbol first, you can be assured of matching results that specifically contain amount matches, ie. Searching a value of $265.22 would return only amounts matching that value.
  • Quote Payments
    • Payments may now be made directly by viewing a public quote and clicking the new payment button.
    • You may turn this option on or off via a new setting option in System Settings -> Quotes
    • When a payment is made to a quote, an invoice is immediately created from the quote and the payment is applied to that new invoice.
  • Redesigned the invoice and quote templates, with respect to product names and descriptions, so that they would take up less column space and give more space to other columns. This has improved the layout compatibility with A4 sized paper.
  • The dark mode color scheme has been significantly improved for readability.
  • Database prefixes are no longer supported with this release and in future releases.
  • Negative price items are allowed once again on invoices, as sometimes they could be used to show an ad-hoc discount. The overall invoice total is still required to be not be negative.
  • Zero price line items are allowed once again on invoices.
  • Zero total price invoices are allowed once again.
  • Inactive accounts’ Tasks page is now enabled, should you have active tasks for an inactive client.
  • The data exporter now allows for Tags type fields to be exported.
  • A quote may now be copied (cloned), in the same way that an invoice can be.
  • As part of the setup (and upgrade) process, a pre-update requirements check is run to ensure that all system requirements are met.
  • Added CRUD functionality to the API for client contacts.
  • Tax, Subtotal, and Total are now set to be displayed as two digits after the decimal.
  • Changes to Task tab on Client account
    • Added filtering capability
    • Titles on the tasks list are hyperlinked to their individual task records
    • Description field was removed from the list, but hovering a mouse over the task title will display a popup of the description.
    • Due date, Assigned and Completed date columns are now sortable.
    • The ID column was removed
    • The status field is now a check-able box to complete a task.
  • Changes to the Payments view on the Payments module and within the Clients module on the Payments tab.
  • Custom fields of type Image now display a modal window that shows the enlarged image when you click on the thumbnail.
  • Added an Invoices section on the right that can expand and contract horizontally which makes better use of screen realestate and more clearly identifies the fields that are related to the invoice vs. those that are specific to the payment.
  • Improved the process of updating core FusionInvoice when add-on package, such as Time Keeping are installed.
    • The update process of the core FI now disables the add-on packages and notifies you, both at the time of the update and after the update, via a notification message, that the updates will need to be re-enabled.
    • This is done to ensure that the individual update packages for the add-ons are also installed and do not cause errors for the core package upgrade.
  • All hyperlinked fields in lists now follow a color scheme whereby the field(s) that link directly to the related record are shown in the standard browser link color (usually blue), but the secondary links, related to other data are of a different, aqua color.
    • For instance, in the invoices list, the column that shows the invoice number will be shown in the standard blue default link color. The client name column field is shown in the secondary link color, aqua.
  • The Expenses list can now be filtered by a date range.
  • Added a new filter to the Client Statement report that allows you to exclude paid invoices.
  • Added the ability to ‘Reset to Default’ on System Settings -> Email Templates.
  • Watermarks have been added to Quotes showing Accepted and Rejected statuses when appropriate.
  • Added helper text and a tooltip to the Enable VAT/GST value on Tax Rates view, as the effects of setting this option on or off were not immediately evident.
  • Improvements to validation on the payments API endpoint.
  • A new caching implementation of commonly accessed data for overall speed improvements.
  • Added a Re-Send button to records on the Utilities -> Mail Log view.
  • Extended the Invoice model’s getSummarizedTaxesAttribute() method adding two fields to the method, ID of formatted_numeric_percent.
  • Added a MySQL benchmark test to the ficheck.php utility file.
  • A separator line was added on the Company Profile view to more clearly identify the core fields vs. custom fields.
  • Internally upgraded the underlying PHP framework, Laravel 10.
  • Added a disk free space check to ficheck and setup pre-requisites setup checks.
  • Added a new Status field to client contacts in order to set a contact as inactive, but still retain the contact entry.
  • Add a new Tags field to client contacts in order to more easily identify and categorize contacts.
  • Added to the Contact’s Default To dropdown options: “Yes (all)”, “Invoices Only” and “Payment Receipts only” in order to give more granular control over the contacts abilty to receive specific system emails.
  • When you select the option to “Create Live Invoice” from a subscription, a new informational prompt explaining the action and offering a Yes/No prompt is displayed.
  • Improved the error displayed when the PayPal credentials entered are not valid.
  • Improved the UI for record filtering throughout all system reports.
  • Added validation to deletion of a currency code that checks to ensure payments for the currency do not exist.
  • Minor improvements to the Mollie payment gateway.
  • Increased the default request throttling limit from 50 to 300 requests per minute to avoid API issues. This limit is to help mitigate DOS attacks.
  • Improvements to the CAPTCHA system allowed on user login.
  • Clearing all notifications by clicking the Delete icon immediately routed the user to the dashboard. Instead the current page, whatever that is, is maintained.

Bugs Fixed
  • Fixed Inconsistent wording for “Upcoming Payment Notices” and “Upcoming Invoice Notice”. The first phrase is now used throughout.
  • Attempting to send an overdue invoice reminder from the invoices list, “Other” button would fail. Fixed.
  • Attempting to send an Upcoming Payment Notice with the Attach PDF option checked, could in some cases not attach the PDF or attach 2 PDFs. Fixed.
  • Opening an invoice and selecting the Actions button, Send Email, while chercking the box to Attach PDF would fail. Fixed.
  • Country and language names did not translate and were always displayed in English. Fixed.
  • everal Safari browser related UI issues were fixed.
  • Item totals on Recurring Invoices (now Subscriptions) could be suppressed from view on a brand new entry. Fixed.
  • Lack of the Invoice Delete permission, for a standard user, does not allow invoice line item delete.
    • If the user has the Update permission, they are now allowed to delete a line item, even if they do not have the Delete permission.
    • This applies to invoices, quotes and subscriptions.
  • Choosing the PDF driver of WKHMTL2PDF will fail while sending and invoice email with PDF attachment. Fixed.
  • Excluding Unpaid Invoices on Tax Summary Report generates error. Fixed.
  • Creating a new client entry using the Data Seeder utility would cause an error related to a missing company profile entry. Fixed.
  • Fixes related to support of Microsoft 365 email sending.
  • A race case issue was resolved on invoice numbering when generating new invoices rapidly from the API.
  • A PayPal issue related to a specific API version and floating point decimals was fixed. This could yield an error of Invalid String Length.
  • The ability to update the description or price field from item lookups while entering invoice data had been accidentally suppressed. Fixed.
  • If the importer encounters a CSV file that contains a description or name field (or any text field) that contains a comma or double quote or single quote, etc., it will fail. Fixed.
  • A client importer issue was fixed where several default, required fields were not being set: company_profile_id, invoices_paid_by, email_default, user_id.
  • Euro currency Invoice Quantity value entry error fixed.
    • If you enter an invoice or quote line item quantity less than zero AND you enter the preceding zero, you will get the invalid_quantity_amount prompt. For example, entering “0,5” yields an error, but entering “,5” is fine.
  • Invoice/Quote formatting of tax decimals was not strictly followed. Fixed.
    • In System Settings, General, the user is able to set the number of decimals for tax rounding, but it was not actually used on invoices, quotes, and subscriptions.
  • A throttling issue could cause an upgrade, of a version of prior to 2023, that had more than several hundred attachments stored in the DB, to fail with a 429 Too many requests, throttling issue. Fixed.
  • Newly created custom invoice and quote templates, created by taking a copy of the core default template, could display as a blank page when showing the public link or PDF. Fixed.
  • Attempting to delete an attachment on an expense would cause an error. Fixed.
  • PDF names of attached invoices to emails no longer included the invoice document number. Fixed.
  • FiCheck reported the PHP version where it should have shown the MySQL version. Fixed.
  • When creating a new user entry, the email and password fields could show the previous values suggested by the browser. Fixed.
  • Saving a client’s timezone setting to a value other than the default timezone would be reverted from a subsequent edit of the same client record if other values (not timezone) were changed and the changes were saved. Fixed.
  • Applying a pre-payment to an existing invoice could cause an incorrect balance on the invoice. Fixed.
  • When editing an invoice line item and changing the price from the default value, then tabbing to the item description field and tabbing out, which sets the focus to the Qty field will cause the non-default Price value to reset to the previous/default Price value. Fixed.
  • A browser responsiveness issue was reported on FireFox, where the horizontal scrollbar would not appear properly if the screen width was sized small enough to require it. Fixed.
  • Payment issue when using the left navbar + button to create a payment. Fixed.
    • From the left navbar, clicking + to add payment, applying it to an invoice and submitting (with emailing payment receipt) does not work.
  • From the Invoices list selection the Options button -> Copy to Recurring Invoice (now Subscription) would yield on unknown error. Fixed.
  • It was possible to allow an invoice or quote discount of more than 100%. Fixed.
  • Adding a new contact while in edit view of the client record could change the client name. Fixed.
  • A custom field of type CheckBox would not properly save its state on a record edit if the value was checked. Fixed.
  • Improvements to Credit Memo editing and postive / negative price display. There was some UI inconsistency. Fixed.
  • The quote totals area did not reliably update when entering a new quote, adding at least one line item and checking the option for “Save item as lookup”. Fixed.
  • When logging into the Client Center as a client user, the Status column values would not show a Bootstrap badge on the Sent status. Fixed.
  • There was a bug introduced in an early 2023 version that could have populated the payment_invoices->convenience_charges field improperly even if the Online Convenience Fees setting was off. A migration was added to this release to correct any remaining inaccurate values in this field.