Product Documentation


About FusionInvoice - 2022

Time Tracking

The Time Tracking add-on for FusionInvoice lets you easily build projects, add tasks, track your time and most importantly - bill for that time!

Installing the Time Tracking Add-on

See the add-on installation documentation.

Creating a Project

Time tracking starts with creating a project, so let's do that now. Click the Time Tracking link from the left-hand navigation menu.

time tracking

Press the Create Project button.

time tracking create project

Provide a name for the project, start typing the client name and select the name from the dropdown, and set the hourly rate for the project. Press the Save button when done.

time tracking create project 2

Adding Tasks

Now that we have a project created, let's start adding tasks. Press the Add Task button.

time tracking add task

Provide the task name and press the Submit and Add Another Task button to continue adding tasks or press the Submit and Close button once you're finished adding tasks.

time tracking add task 2

Managing Timers

Now that we have some tasks added, we can start timers on one or more tasks by pressing the green Start Timer button for the appropriate task(s).

* Note: Running tasks will continue to run even if you log out of FusionInvoice or close your browser.

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Timers can be manually added, edited, or deleted to a task by clicking the Show Timers icon.

time tracking task timers

Any timers currently associated with the task will be listed here.

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To manually add a timer, click the calendar icon, choose the start date and end date along with the start time and end time and press the Apply button.

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Billing Tasks

When you're ready to bill for the time tracked on a task, press the Bill Task icon. Alternatively, multiple tasks may be billed at once by selecting each of the tasks to be billed and pressing the Bulk Actions button and selecting Bill Tasks.

time tracker bill task

Tasks can be billed to a new invoice or to an existing invoice. Selecting the appropriate options and pressing the Submit button will add the tasks as line items to an invoice.

time tracker bill task 2

Once tasks have been billed, they will appear under the Billed Tasks area.

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